Huawei-owned Honor has launched its latest smartphone in India, the Honor Play. The smartphone is priced at Rs 19,999 for the 4GB RAM/64GB storage variant, and Rs 23,999 for the 6GB RAM/64GB storage option. The phone was launched in China back in June, and comes with a distinct focus on gaming. In terms of positioning, the phone... read full story
Photo: Huawei-owned Honor has launched its latest smartphone in India, the Honor Play. The smartphone is priced at Rs 19,999 for the 4GB RAM/64GB storage variant, and Rs 23,999 for the 6GB RAM/64GB storage option. The phone was launched in China back in June, and comes with a distinct focus on gaming. In terms of positioning, the phone sits right under the Honor 10, which was launched in May, and is currently priced at Rs 32,999. The Honor Play goes on sale at 4:00PM on August 6 on Amazon India.